Счётчик Cкачек Prival

The world's first node (Tox node) with a control interface!

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Пол: Женский

Стаж: 9 лет 3 месяца

Сообщений: 238

Откуда: Россия, Екатеринбург

Создавать темы 02-Фев-2025 13:06


Node Assignment(ноды Тох)
In the Prival and Tech network, the node is an "intermediary" - an element of information transfer between p2p clients of the Prival network (as well as Tox).
There are no centralized servers on this network!
You can view all the nodes of the network at this link.
OS Requirements
Linux operating System
Network requirements
It is necessary to order the "Static IP address" service from your provider.
Since the installed Node is "linked" to only one IP address assigned by the installation script.
How to install the Node on your PC
Download the sheet music archive from our website
Place it in the directory from where you want the Node to work.
Unpack the archive.
Launch the console from the directory where we unpacked the archive.
We enter the root rights
sudo su
It will ask for a password, Enter and Enter.
Making executable files
chmod 777 install_tox.sh install_tox2.sh create-link.sh uninstall_tox.sh
Closing the terminal.
In the same directory, open the console again (do not log in to root!).
It will ask you to enter a password. Enter.
The installation will start.
At the end, you should see the inscription - "Connected to other bootstrap node successfully."
This means a successful installation.
We will need to copy the Public key from the console output later.
Log out of root using the combination of the Strl+C buttons
We are not closing the console.
We run the second script to enter the parameters.
We enter our IP and port sequentially.
You will start the node. However, you need to BE SURE TO CLOSE THE GUI INTERFACE!!! (not the console window!)
Выходим из root сочетанием Ctrl+d
Next, in the same console, enter
Close the console window
We find the Node launch shortcut in the list of your programs (most likely in the "Other" section).
It will be signed as ToxNode Gui
Click, enter the password.
the console and the program itself should open. You will see a red stripe. This means that it is stopped.
To launch the Node, click on the button in the program window Start NODE
The stripe will change color to green. This means that your node is running on the Prival (Tox) p2p network
The key of your Node will also appear in the window.
You must insert this previously copied key into the verification form that your NODE is online!
Here is this health check form
Health check of your Noda.
After installing the Node, you need to turn off and turn on your PC to apply the network settings.
Open the verification form
In this form, you can check both the UDP and TCP protocols of the NODE.
The operability of the two protocols is mandatory! Since video and audio communications are transmitted by clients over UDP, and encrypted correspondence and files over the TCP protocol, which eliminates errors when transmitting traffic.
Congratulations, now you are helping the Prival (Tox) network
In order for you to be included in the list of working nodes https://nodes.tox.chat/
You need to send an email specifying the parameters of your Node. These parameters are the same as in the list.
Removing a Node from a PC
There is a file in the archive that you downloaded.
You need to enter the directory where it is located. Run the console from there and enter
It will ask you to enter a password. Enter.
Information about the technology of the program.
Description of the "insides".
It is based on libraries qtbase5-dev
The source code is archived along the way
It is collected from the catalog src_gui by a team qmake и make
A simple Gui script (in the Qt language) is in the source code. It is going to be installed on a PC.
When launching with a shortcut, we launch the Qt program. And already the core of the Node is executed in a separate thread. For this reason, the Node itself is not like a Qt library. And it runs as fast as a separate C program. This ensures high-speed code execution.
[Профиль] [ЛС]
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