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Selling p2p instant messaging messenger PrivalSystems

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admin ®

Пол: Женский

Стаж: 9 лет 4 месяца

Сообщений: 242

Откуда: Россия, Екатеринбург

Создавать темы 08-Апр-2021 09:56


PrivalSystems ' high-quality, automatically updated messenger includes many advanced developments and means of bypassing locks.
It is offered for sale both its own product and the possibility of further development OUR OWN!! by our own efforts and programmers, after the purchase by you and under your needs and desires.
As you can understand, Messenger software is good for almost any project! Whether it's an information service or a service provider, a store, or another parallel project.
As part of the software of another project. If you need to merge the codes, this can be done without any problems.
The package of modules included in the program consists of two physical programs, a client program (an installer installed by users) and an update program, with which you can download a new version to people (the update occurs when the user starts the program).
At the same time, this second server module only downloads the latest updates, and does not collect information. This ensures its confidentiality and increases the speed of the loader.
The cost of all modules of the PrivalSystems messenger at the moment is about 66 thousand Euro at the current exchange rate (3.3 BTC at the current exchange rate).
For purchase questions, you can contact any of the PrivalSystems messengers or the portable Prival

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